Customer Satisfaction

Would you recommend MacArtney to a friend or a colleague?
Once a year, MacArtney undertakes/carries out a customer satisfaction survey via the trusted NPS® metric - aka Net Promoter Score®

NPS® is a customer relationship tool consisting of an 11-point scale from 0 to 10. Respondents are asked one question only: to rate how likely they are to recommend a company's product/service to a friend or colleague.

The MacArtney Group proudly achieved - local offices worldwide included - an NPS® score of 49; across segments, borders and cultures. A result, committing the company to even more significant customer and service excellence. 


Can we perform better?
Yes! Nobody's perfect. The result reveals focus areas demanding extra efforts from our part and helps us to prioritise what we do next.

We owe our surveyed customers a big thank you for the high and honest answering rate, providing us with a valid result. Another huge thank you goes to all MacArtney employees, whose customer-centric culture renders better customer experiences every day.

A tool in working strategically with customers
Satisfied customers are crucial to a healthy business, and the NPS® survey guides us in terms of customer loyalty and where to step up to succeed in our commitment to existing and prospective customers. 

MacArtney aims to be accessible around the world and around the clock. "Global access to local support" is a mantra recurring throughout the entire organisation at all locations. Living a customer-centric culture, focusing on the customer journey from beginning to end, necessitates a continual delivery of sublime customer experience. High-quality products will only take a company so far.

Everybody is involved
We practice openness about our Net Promoter Score® inhouse, as achieving customer loyalty is a shared task throughout the entire MacArtney organisation. Customer journey touchpoints more or less involve all departments with individual and team efforts affecting customer satisfaction. 

Learning how we score help us perform against goals and inspires and motivates employees to deliver even better customer encounters.