Keynote speakers revealed for PiE 2014

ocean science instrumentation

On the 7th of October, 2014, Sequoia Scientific, MacArtney Underwater Technology and University of Copenhagen will open the doors to the fourth edition of Particles in Europe (PiE). The organisers are pleased to reveal Professor Daniel Hanes of St. Louis University (USA) and Professor Colin Jago of Bangor University (UK) as keynote speakers at the conference.

While Daniel Hanes will elaborate on the confounding effects of particle characteristics on acoustic backscatter measuring techniques, Colin Jago will talk about SPM dynamics in a region of freshwater influence (Liverpool Bay). Together, these talks are guaranteed to resonate with anybody who is curious about the prospects of using acoustics to quantify particle size and/ or concentration as well as studying particle dynamics in physically, biologically and optically complex waters.


A slice of PiE by the Wadden Sea
PiE is a bi-annual conference focusing on particles in the aquatic environment. In 2014, the conference will take place in Esbjerg - the offshore capital of Denmark. Besides being the hometown of MacArtney, Esbjerg is known for its status as a 'World Energy City' and for being the gateway to the Wadden Sea National Park - a newly appointed UNESCO World Heritage site. Guided by experts from the University of Copenhagen, PiE 2014 attendees will experience a unique guided tour through the National Park which comprises one of the most valuable and fascinating tidal areas in the world featuring vast biodiversity and aquatic phenomena. In extension of the Wadden Sea guided tour, the conference will also embrace a dinner visit to the Fisheries and Maritime Museum of Esbjerg.

The majority of the PiE 2014 conference will take place at the Esbjerg Conference Hotel, where a diverse range of speakers will highlight the latest development within the realm of particle monitoring, management and technology. The organisers expect that the conference will embrace approximately 30 presentations over two days. For the curious, the conference will also offer the opportunity to learn more about Sequoia instruments and pay a visit to MacArtney, where a guided tour will offer an insight into the world of underwater technology.

A few slices left
There is still room at PiE 2014. The official conference dates are 7th to 9th of October. For abstract submission or participant registration guidelines see the Sequoia PiE website or contact Ole Mikkelsen at for more details

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