Bespoke multipurpose CTD winch system for Arctic expedition

06 Bio CTD W. Fishcam
Isbrytaren Oden Foto Lars Lehnert
cable cable protection cable sheave containerized ctd data acquisition design fibre optic installation and commissioning junction box MERMAC multiplexer NEXUS ocean science project management slip ring training TrustLink umbilical winch


Client objective: A flexible, weather-resistant winch system for deep-sea CTD profiling and water sampling aboard a research vessel operating in the polar oceans. 


Ocean Science


  • Containerised system
  • System flexibility
  • Operational reliability
  • Low maintenance
  • Multipurpose applications for data acquisition

Scope of Supply

The chosen winch solution was based on a standard MERMAC winch system and fitted to the customer's applications and operations in the Arctic. 

  • Customised MERMAC winch
  • Right angle level wind
  • 20" container
  • Slip ring
  • 7,000 m fibre optic cable
  • TrustLink stress termination
  • Oil-filled junction box
  • 6,000 m depth rated, custom-built NEXUS Multiplexer
  • FAT and SAT
  • Installation and commissioning
  • Project management


The research vessel continues using the customised solution for water column profiling and revealing data from the depths of the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. System flexibility and vast experience in solution customisation were essential for choosing MacArtney as a supplier.

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