ROTV system for seabed mapping

design engineering system integration MERMAC winch FOCUS rotv OptoLink SubConn connector cable fibre optic multi beam side scan sonar LUXUS camera light pan and tilt project management installation and commissioning training oil and gas ocean science

Scope of supply

  • Mechanical design and engineering
  • Electronic design and engineering
  • Hydrodynamic engineering
  • System integration
  • MERMAC S30 winch 
  • 3 FOCUS 3 ROTVs
  • Armoured tow cable
  • OptoLink connectors
  • OptoLink harness cables
  • SubConn® connectors
  • SubConn® harness cables
  • Multibeam echo sounders
  • Side scan sonars
  • Sub-bottom profilers
  • Magnetometer
  • Inertial Navigation System
  • Doppler Velocity Logs
  • Digital still camera and flash
  • Pan and tilt unit
  • USBL transponders
  • Project management
  • Installation and commissioning
  • Training

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