Hybrid FACT

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The Hybrid FACT combines the elements of the Optical and Electrical FACT into one unit for more compact space and easy mounting and handling. The FACT design is based on fully-qualified and field-proven Nautilus and fiber tube sealing technologies. The FACT assemblies have been designed with modularity in mind and are ideally suited for a multitude of umbilical termination applications. The patented FACT approach to cable termination eliminates cable dependent design limitations and common mode/ single point failures. The major design elements used are based on fully qualified and field-proven Nautilus and fiber tube sealing technologies, drawing upon TOG’s extensive experience in cable terminations..

Key features

  • The Field Assembled Cable Termination (FACT) from Teledyne ODI consists of a cable end termination assembly and a high pressure penetrator assembly that isolates the cable internals from the subsea environment and pressure-balanced splice chamber
  • This patented approach eliminates cable-dependent design limitations and common mode/single point failures


  • Adapts to a wide array of interfaces
  • 25 year life
  • May be terminated directly to atmospheric enclosures or pressure balanced dielectric, fluid-filled splice canisters

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