Qualification test

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Prior to production of a new connector type or connector range

Pressure test:
5 cycles to rated pressure holding time 10 minute per cycle
1 cycle to rated pressure holding time 1 hour
Open face rated (Coax connectors excluded)
Complies to DNV-GL-RU-VWT PT.4 CH. 8 Sec. 3 Sub sec. 2.1.2

Electrical test during pressure test:
Continuity test: Contact to contact
Insulation test between all contacts and body/tank: At 500 V DC. Minimum 200 MΩ

Electrical test after pressure test:
Continuity test: Contact to contact
Insulation test between all contacts and body: At 500 V DC. Minimum 200 MΩ
High pot test: At 2 x Voltage rating plus 1 kV. Complies to DNV-GL-RU-VWT PT.4 CH. 8 Sec. 3 Sub sec. 2.1.4 and to IEC 60664-1

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