MacArtney steadies the ship and sets course for new growth

macartney group oil and gas ocean science marine renewable energy civil engineering defence fishery

After navigating the Oil & Gas downturn, MacArtney is commercially expanding into new market areas and growing new product lines.

With 40 years of growth and development behind them, the MacArtney Group are growing product lines and continue to strengthen ties within a diverse range of underwater technology industries. Still strongly linked with Oil & Gas and Ocean Science, MacArtney is also developing technologically advanced system solutions for Renewable Energy, Defence, Civil Engineering and Fishery industries. Overall, the MacArtney Group’s revenue has increased, resulting in positive earnings this financial year.

Adopting a leaner operating model and consolidating the operation organisation has supported a return to profit for MacArtney. The integration of two manufacturing sites; the creation of an operations organisation responsible for procurement, supply and service globally, in addition to process enhancements in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), IT support tools and IT infrastructure have resulted in a lean, more efficient operation organisation. Through this, MacArtney have demonstrated resilience and continued commitment to strengthening their business platform for future growth.

MacArtney’s commitment to growth is additionally supported by investment in new market areas including Sweden, Chile and China, where new subsidiaries have been established. This expansion increases MacArtney’s global footprint across 11 countries in Scandinavia, Europe, Asia, North and South America with 400 employees worldwide.

At MacArtney headquarters in Esbjerg, Denmark, a new 10.000 m2 facility has been added to the existing site and has been transformed into a modern workshop, stores department, cable spooling, shipping office and canteen. This expansion has provided workshop technicians with the much-needed space to innovate, a need highlighted by MacArtney’s CEO Claus Omann,


"At MacArtney we constantly strive to be at the forefront of technological development within our area of underwater connectivity and system solutions expertise. 2019 will see the launch of new MacArtney products that will continue our tradition of technological advancement."


MacArtney’s approach as a full system solutions provider has seen this innovation come to fruition through the completion of a wide range of industry projects in 2018. Sales of the FOCUS and TRIAXUS ROTV systems into the Oil & Gas and Ocean Science markets continue at a steady pace as well as sales of the MacArtney CORMAC and MERMAC winch systems. MacArtney partner SubConn®, manufacturers of underwater connectors, are also experiencing sales higher than ever.

Further efforts to deliver efficiency gains through business process improvements will continue into 2019, ensuring MacArtney is agile, adaptable and resilient to changing market conditions and ready to report another financially stable year of growth.

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