MacArtney Supports Award Winning Deep-Sea Observatory Project in the Mediterranean Sea

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cable cable assembly connector moulding engineering ocean science

MacArtney France continues to supply Teledyne Oil & Gas connectivity solutions to the pioneering MEUST-NUMerEnv observatory project located 40km offshore from Toulon, France.

Over the last two decades, MacArtney France has provided market-leading connectors to ANTARES (Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch) and to the MEUST (Mediterranean Eurocentre for Underwater Sciences and Technologies) – a permanent deep-sea observatory deployed at a depth of 2500 meters below the sea surface.

The NUMerEnv (Neutrino Mer Environnement) project is the second phase of the MEUST project. It is a technologically advanced cabled infrastructure hosting the neutrino telescope of the KM3NeT Collaboration and a deep-sea observatory, EMSO (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory).

Cabled observatories, connected to land by electro-optical cables providing power and continuous data transmission offer unique opportunities for the study of the neutrino - the most mysterious of the elementary particles - and in Ocean Science for the monitoring of deep-sea phenomena.

MacArtney will attend the CNRS Awards Ceremony in Marseille this week to celebrate the presentation of the new Cristal Collectif Award, an award created in 2018 to reward teams of engineers and technicians for their outstanding innovative and collective technical expertise. CNRS (The French National Centre for Scientific Research) is the largest public scientific research body in France.

This year the award goes to the MEUST-NUMerEnv engineers and technicians from the Centre for Particle Physics of Marseille (CPPM, CNRS – Aix-Marseille University) for pioneering deep-sea neutrino astronomy and offering new perspectives for multidisciplinary research including the study of the evolution of the climate, oceanic circulation and biodiversity.

MacArtney’s scope of supply to this ongoing project includes an ongoing tender for Teledyne Oil & Gas connectors, Interlinks, Y cables, Jumpers, Battery and Sensor Links. Olivier FERRE, System Sales Manager for MacArtney France SAS comments,

"MacArtney has been supporting the ANTARES and the MEUST-NUMerEnv projects for almost two decades and will continue to do so in the future. This pioneering work will see advancements in ocean science and our understanding of the Universe itself. MacArtney France would like to congratulate the team of engineers and technicians on their well-deserved Cristal Collectif Award for 2018."

MacArtney designs and manufactures state-of-the-art connectivity for any application within all subsea maritime industries including ocean science, offshore oil and gas, marine renewables, civil engineering, defence and fisheries.

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