
Repair of cylinders

Often many of the cylinders supplied are running under demanding conditions in a harsh environment. This could be under seawater, high temperature process plant, on a tunnel-drilling machine or in a concrete plant. Needless to say that running reciprocating under these conditions will require service and maintenance. This is an area where MacArtney Hydraulics have a very long experience.

Parts in stock

When receiving cylinders for repair work, there is often a benefit in MacArtney Hydraulics having a big warehouse with a stock of many parts. 

Especially wear parts like gaskets, pistons and seal boxes. 

Considering our range of cylinders, the quantity of stock is prominent. As an example, we have an inventory of several thousand gaskets in different sizes and types.

This enables us to quickly repair and convey the cylinder to an almost new standard.

Inspection report

When repairing a cylinder, the demand often arises to document the work done either due to regulations or to store the history.

We provide an initial inspection report to determine the work that needs to be done, enabling the customer to decide whether to go ahead and/or a report documenting the work that has been done, depending on the customer request. 

In many industries, documentation is just as crucial as the actual work done. 

Exchange program

With a large number of cylinders installed in your operation, the demand for continuous maintenance arises while still being able to prevail production. 

Often we agree on an exchange program for the cylinders in question. This ensures that some repaired cylinders are always in stock that can be used for emergencies and a quick fix for unplanned breakdown.